Friday, August 7, 2009

The Joy of Beginning

Today is the beginning of the rest of my life. For over a year, I have spent countless hours contemplating writing a blog that would be interesting and exciting to the readers. I asked myself what on this earth could possibly be worthy of writing about, that would truly capture the reader's interest. Then it hit me, "What on this earth is NOT worthy of writing about!?!" I could choose something as small and seemingly insignificant as a toothpick and put all the facts together to make an amazing analogy or story about! (Think of all the possibilities!) The world is filled with amazing things to write about; and today I start the challenging and exciting journey of writing about everything I can think of... one subject at a time.

The joy of beginning this journey is more than I can dare to explain. The thrill of putting an idea into words that can hopefully captivate a particular audience--to inspire or entertain on some level--is quite an humbling thought.

I decided to write about one thing that seems to drain the joy and excitement from our life. An important piece of this "puzzle of life" that we are all guilty of from time to time is operating in a "blow & go" mode throughout the day. As we rush through our busy, hurried day we miss so many opportunities to experience peace and contentment.

If we retrain our thought process by breaking our day down into smaller segments, we can accomplish so much more and enjoy each step of the way! No matter what task is at hand, whether it requires 1-hour, or 5-minutes; lets divide that time in half and categorize it in this way. 1) Spend the first half of your allotted time thinking of all you must do to get the task done; the best methodical way to do it; the quickest route to get there; whether you must stop to get cash to complete it, etc. This will keep you from running in circles and feeling stressed! Then, 2) Spend the second half of your allotted time only thinking about the beauty of your surroundings! Try to notice everything and everyone around you; realize that this very moment is a one-time thing. You will never pass this particular path with the same set of circumstances ever again! Look people in the eye and give them a hearty "hi, how are ya?" If you're driving down the road notice the car beside you. Is it clean or dirty; red or blue? Is the sun shining today? Do you see flowers or trees?

Detailing all your surroundings will open your mind to a new level of awareness, happiness, appreciation, and contentment within you. Realizing that you are in this one moment, only one time, will change how you look at that moment! All the things that you used to overlook and view as a hum-drum part of your day, will suddenly become a bigger part of you personally. As you begin to see all the life and blessings that surround you throughout the day, your problems seem less significant! The stress you felt from rushing around seems to melt away; and you begin to feel relief and freedom from things that are meaningless--replacing it with peace and happiness!

Once you begin this practice, you will never look at your life in the same way, ever again. It will not only change your thoughts about your day (feelings of boredom, stress, etc.); but it will change the way you view yourself; and everyone around you.
Go ahead, I challenge you to give it a try! You will not regret it. It will give you a new joy and a new beginning . . . THE JOY OF BEGINNING!